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Thaddeus Sieverding

April 12, 2024 Trustee Report

The Trustee Board met for their monthly meeting. During this meeting, we worked on restructuring internal board functions, voted to fund church improvements, and continued our efforts on finishing building projects. 


The board voted to replace its Roberts Rules voting system with a consensus-based voting system, which passed unanimously. Consensus-based voting promotes collaboration, inclusivity, and shared responsibility within the church trustee board. By adopting a consensus-based approach, we aim to honor the diverse perspectives and gifts of each trustee while ensuring the effective functioning of our board. We are excited to continue all future meetings with this new voting structure in place. 


Our church has been experiencing some electrical issues, and after meeting with several electricians for quotes, we are happy to have found someone. This electrician has been quick to diagnose several problems surrounding the building's wiring and started to work on fixing them right away. The board voted unanimously to compensate the electrician for the work done and hire him to complete the rest of the needed improvements. 


The board has been considering hiring an administrative assistant and has found a possible candidate. An interview is being set up, and next steps are being planned. We hope this admin will be able to take some responsibilities off of our Pastor and work on our technology and communications infrastructure going forward. 


Lastly, the board has been working to finish Marty’s Garden by the Town anniversary festivities on May 19. Lots of progress has been made in coming up with a design, finding someone to do it for the price constraints, and executing the building of the garden. We are hopeful that the garden will be ready in time. 


This concludes the Trustee Report for April. Led by the Holy Spirit and thoughtful discernment, we believe that our decisions will promote the prosperity of our church, enabling us to serve our community more effectively as responsible stewards. 



Thaddeus Sieverding 

Chair of the Trustee Board

Last Month’s Donation Totals 

March 11 Sunday 


March 17 Sunday 


March 25 Sunday 


April 1 Sunday (Easter) 


April 7 Sunday 


Extra Bake Sale 


Total Donations 


Thank you for your generous donations! 

April 12, 2024 Trustee Report



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